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Jesus is cross - Lent 3 - March 11
Cleansing of the temple
Reading - John 2: 13-22

The Children's Address
• Have you ever thrown a wobbly? Do you know what a wobbly is? Discuss what happens when one loses their temper.
• There would be no-one in this church today who has never lost their temper.
• It happens to all of us at different times for a variety of reasons
• Can you suggest what some of these may be? (Discuss)
• There are times when we are angry or cross when our children do silly things. Other times we can be cross with ourselves because we have said or done a silly thing
• Other times it may be because we are angry that bad things happen in life when they don't have to.
• Eg: Animals being mistreated. Whales being slaughtered. People left to die because they are starving or diseased etc.
• Anger of these in many ways are justified, and our anger at times can force us into doing something about it.
• That is what happened today to Jesus
• He could see that the sellers of doves and animals for sacrifice were robbing the worshippers and he was cross
• So he tipped over the monet changers tables and used a whip to chase them out of the temple.
• At times we can be like Jesus. It is OK to get cross with things that are wrong
• Like being cross with those who lit the bush fires recently and as a result killed over 210 people.
• When we see things that are wrong, Jesus wants us also to speak out
• He wants others to know that we are Jesus people who are prepared to stand up for what is right in our society
• It also shows that we are active in our Christian life.

Kids Church Activity:
To make a mega phone. Slogan to read “Jesus is strong and supports his Father”
What you need to get ready:
Heavy construction paper or card, waxed milk cartons, sharp knife (Stanley knife) Poster paint, paint brushes, painting smocks (1 each child), stapler



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